Blogging,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  Side Gigs,  working from home


Need a domain name or even website hosting?

I’m guessing, like me, you wear many hats while running your business. We’re solopreneurs who are in charge of the budget and bottom line.

Many years ago, I decided to invest in buying domain names with the idea of creating web sites, growing them, making them turn a profit and then selecting a few to sell. While I’m still in the process of doing that, paying for the yearly registration for all the domain names was getting expensive. Most of them weren’t making me any money so I knew I had to cut the budget. I went looking for other companies to switch them to but then got busy so nothing got done. Not a good thing and it wasn’t until the prices went up even more that I decided I had to switch.

Lucky for me, I found Name Cheap. I did my research and couldn’t find a better deal so I began switching all my domains over to them. They’re a great company, everything is easy to get transferred over, their customer service is quick and I saved myself a lot of money. When I saw they had an affiliate program, I knew this one one that would be a good match for me and my audience both here and at my writing sites.

By coincidence they currently have their Solopreneur Sale going on. It’s not just for registering your domain, (92% off during this sale), but getting a private e-mail address, website hosting, VPN, and lots more. Here’s the link and yes, as you’ve probably guessed, it’s my affiliate one. If you are thinking about buying a domain name or many, want to set up a site the easy way, definitely check them out-

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