Side Gigs,  Teaching and Coachig

Teach a Skill, Learn a Skill

Have a skill to share….

I’m seeing an upswing in the number of students I have over at Skillshare, plus the amount of minutes they’ve watched of my classes.

More people have time on their hands, people are suddenly out of work and looking for new skills or something to do besides binge watching shows.

Do you have a skill you can teach? Most of us do.

I think now would be a great time to put together a class and offer it on platforms like Skillshare or even create your own site for teaching.

Also, do you need to learn a new skill, brush on on ones like sewing, cooking, gardening? I’m hearing more people are needing to go back to the basics.

There’s never been a better time to learn because lots of tutorials are free on sites like YouTube, and other sites have free or reduced fees through April and May.

Whether you’re a teacher or a learner, now’s the perfect time to either make money or learn a skill that could save you money.

Talk again soon, and remember to live the life you love.

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