budget talk

YouTube a Goldmine for The Budget Minded


I don’t know how many of you ever spend time on YouTube but over the last year or so I’ve discovered there’s a goldmine of information there for budget savvy people like us. With that in mind, I decided to put together a list of some of my favorite channels in various categories so here they are-

For the Budget Minded

A YouTuber based in Utah has this fun and informative channel called The Melea Show-


Another one of my favorites is the Do It On A Dime


And who can leave out The Krazy Coupon Lady


Or even discovering free stuff…free is always good.




I’m a firm believer in that being organized can save you money and time which actually does save you money too and one of my favorite organizing channels belongs to this lady-




Crafts and Hacks

What budget smart girl doesn’t love crafts and finding easy (yes cheap) ways of doing stuff around the house




Did you think I’d leave out the food? Here are some of my favorite cooking channels

Mind Over Munch


The Domestic Geek





And last but by no means least, a channel I discovered last year when I realized I had to start exercising again, a fitness channel belonging to a fellow Brit named Lucy. Believe me when I say if you eat right and do these exercises (I can finally get pants and skirts zipped up again), you’ll get results. Best thing is if you’re a super busy BSG they don’t take up a lot of your time. Thank you Lucy!


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