budget talk

Web Site Shout Out-The Penny Hoarder





Here’s a new feature I thought I’d start on Budget Smart Girl. A shout out to sites, people, products, whatever  I think you should check out for their great content or ideas.

My first shout out is to The Penny Hoarder. How did I hear about this site? Someone named the penny hoarder became one of my followers, I followed them back thinking they were simply someone who was watching their pennies. I was wrong, wrong, wrong.

It wasn’t until a few months ago that someone told me about the great site called The Penny Hoarder that I decided to check it out.

Wow, I was impressed and I think you will be too. There’s everything  from tips on saving money to finding extra income. You can even sign up to receive their newsletter.

Definitely check it out-http://www.thepennyhoarder.com/





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