What Have You Learned So Far?
It’s day three of Learn Something New Every Day Challenge? Learned anything useful? Something that could save you money, make you money, or something that’s just plain fun? Here’s what I have so far. On Sunday, I learned to make tempeh bacon. Turned out pretty good although I did have to double the marinade and I think next time around I’ll add something with a little more kick to the ingredients. This was in my save money category because if you know anything about vegan food, especially the ‘fake’ meat type products, they’re expensive. While I was looking for a recipe, I think I fell down the learning something new…
Plant Based, Budget Friendly Meal Challenge
I just received an e-mail about this and thought I’d pass it along to you. If you’re thinking about eating a plant based diet this year or just looking for ways to eat on a budget, Plant Based Meals has a New Year’s challenge you can join, here’s the link if you want to check it out. https://www.plantbasedmealplan.com/
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