• FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Day 9-Temptations

    What tempts you? Knowing what are weaknesses are is a good thing. And it’s make or break when it comes to budgets and saving money. Today, we’re going to focus on temptations… those things that beckon you to stray from your budget or spend more money than you earn. Sit down and try to figure out your money Achilles’ heel. It could be that every time you go to the supermarket you end up with a half a cart load of things you didn’t intend to buy. Each time a sales pitch from a favorite store or business hits your e-mail or mailbox, they easily convince you to buy the…

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  • FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Day 4-Income and Expenses

    Yesterday we focused on net worth and today we’re going to break down income and expenses on a monthly basis. Income Under the first column, write down all your income for the month It could be money from your job, side gig, interest earned, rental income… Next, focus on expenses. Write down what you pay out each month It could be mortgage, insurance, car payment, utility bills, gas for the car, groceries. Don’t overlook anything. You might also have yearly fees for things like membership sites so take that amount and divide it by 12. Total up each column. Is there a negative number or a plus? I know lots…

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