Money Mindset Makeover Challenge Day 5-Do You Really Need It?
Do you really need it? That’s the question we’re asking ourselves on day 5 of our month long challenge. We’ve looked at net worth, assets and liabilities. We also looked at monthly income and what’s being spent each month. Just doing these things can be either a surprise or a shock. Either way we all have things on our items on things I spend money on list that can be overhauled or better yet, eliminated. Look through the list and be brutally honest with yourself. Are there some things or services that can be cut? Cable TV…how many channels do you actually watch? Gym memberships…when was the last time you…
Summer Money Makeover
It’s not yet ‘officially’ summer but Memorial Day’s been and gone so I thought we’d kick off a summer financial makeover. What gave me the idea? Over at my writing site, I’m setting up a summer writer’s retreat where we’ll get books started or half-finished ones will get completed. It’s running from June 1st through September 1st. Three months to get something done that maybe you’ve been talking about or even just dreaming about doing. So I thought how about something similar here at BSG. What would your financial makeover look like? Maybe you want to finally set up a budget? Perhaps you want to get started on saving…
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