Think Outside the Box
Same products, same pitch, same this and that… Every week, I spend a few hours searching online to see what’s being offered, whether it be classes, coaching, or products. I search Amazon, Etsy, to name a few. I also receive about ten e-mails a day from people selling things like classes and software. Guess what? I’d say 99% of both my own searches and the ones that fall into my e-mail, are selling the same type of thing or service. They even have the same sales pitch encouraging me to buy the product. I don’t have to tell you that these are tough times we’re living through. What was an…
The Key to Making Money
If there’s one sure way to making money, it’s to be future thinking. This week, I’ve been following along with e-mails I receive from lots of entrepreneurs whose classes I’ve taken or products I’ve bought. One in particular (I’m hoping he’ll do an interview with BSG), is always upfront about what’s working and what’s not. His latest post was about how much money he made in 2019. He hadn’t done as well in certain areas as he had in 2018. The reason, he pointed out, was because his market is such that it’s low cost to get started in, and just about anyone with a laptop can do it. Great…