Friday News You Can Use-Budget Archives
It’s the last Friday of the month and I thought we’d do something different for News You Can Use by pulling out some articles from the Budget Smart Girl archives- It’s spring and time to think about gardening, how about dirt cheap gardening? How about a list of pantry stand bys? And who does love being pampered, and of course, it’s on a budget- I hope you found this helpful and that it’s a reminder that the archive has plenty of articles for you to go check out. Budget Smart Girl has been around since early 2005. Have a fun weekend and a money saving week.
The Budget Smart Cook Loves Pantry Standbys
The Internet has been abuzz with tips for trimming your food budget. An idea that seems to show up regularly is using up all the items that are sitting in your pantry. It’s a great tip but as we Budget Smart Girls know, stocking the pantry in the first place plays a major role in saving money. Here are some items to keep on hand for those impromptu meals. Pasta I keep a couple of different types of pasta on hand at all times. It might be spaghetti, penne, even a box of lasagna. One of the quickest meals to put together is any type of pasta dish. And I…