Money Saving Tip-Don’t Have it, Don’t Panic
How many times have you been making a dish, cooking dinner and thought, I don’t have such and such ingredient, I need to go buy it? Sometimes, it’s an ingredient you don’t use often or will never use again. Oftentimes, it’s something with a cheaper alternative. Things that come to mind are spices. and dairy products. Here’s a link to a site that offers a list of replacements for many of the things we rush out to buy. https://www.thespruceeats.com/ingredient-substitution-chart-3054056
Fresh, Frozen or Canned?
One section of the supermarket with steadily rising prices and yes, less than top notch quality is the produce department. So should you ever feel guilty about opting for frozen or even canned veggies? Most health experts say as produce is usually frozen or canned as soon as it’s picked we shouldn’t worry too much because the vitamin and mineral content remains intact. I have to admit I used to feel really guilty if I relied on too many frozen and canned vegetables, but seeing how some of the produce doesn’t look that great I now base my decision on the following- Buying in Season Wouldn’t it be great if all…