News You Can Use-54 Ways to Save Money
I hope you’ve had a super saving week. It’s the last Friday of January and here are my picks for some useful articles, web sites and videos I feel are worth checking out- I found this channel, Simple Fast, on YouTube, not so much about saving money but tricks and tips you can use and yes, I believe will save you both money and time- https://www.youtube.com/@simplefast1/videos I also discovered this site called America Saves which has lots of resources but I found this one about 54 ways to save money- https://americasaves.org/resource-center/insights/54-ways-to-save-money/ And finally, who doesn’t want to boost their back account? Check out this article from Marketwatch- https://www.marketwatch.com/story/boost-your-bank-account-by-breaking-out-of-these-5-common-money-traps-11674245959? Remember out…
News You Can Use
Welcome to a brand new feature on Budget Smart Girl for 2023. Every Friday I’ll share with you links to articles and videos that I think are worth checking out. The first one is from Marketwatch and if this is the year you want to start a rainy day fund or have extra money to put into a savings account, check out this article- https://www.marketwatch.com/picks/the-era-of-the-3-4-savings-account-has-finally-returned-so-here-are-7-actually-smart-ways-to-make-2023-the-year-you-save-far-more-01672775439? This next one comes from Yahoo Finance and yes, all these ideas about making your first million dollars are realistic and yes, doable- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/12-realistic-ways-first-1-190041168.html And finally, I love checking out videos on YouTube and one I found this week was from Frugal Fit Mom where…
Become a Millionaire…start investing at age 15
I’m in the middle of working on some new products for you so this week’s posts are going to be brief. I saw this interesting fact and thought I’d share it with you…. While most of us focus on ways to make money, another route to becoming rich is by investing and the money you earn. I know for the majority of us, it’s been a long time since we turned 15 but look at this study done by MarketWatch.com, saving $2,000 per year for seven years, a 15-year-old is capable of becoming a millionaire at the age of 65. And it gets even better because that same teenager doesn’t…