Money Saving Tip-Spice It Up
Sometimes cheaper cuts of meat, even budget stretchers like beans can be bland. One thing that can make everything taste like gourmet fare is herbs and spices. Things like garlic and ginger can make a bland soup or stew taste like a professional chef made it. Grow your own or buy one herb or spice each time you go grocery shopping.
More Gift Ideas and Peanut Butter Cups
Hope everyone enjoyed Black Friday and Cyber Monday and netted yourself some wonderful bargains. I’m almost done with my holiday shopping so now I can concentrate on making treats and goodies. I’ll be sharing some of the recipes with you. One uses just three ingredients and makes a perfect stocking stuffer too. To kick things off, here’s a recipe I saw online for homemade peanut butter cups. They’re my weakness and I’m ashamed to say a bag of these goodies I bought for holiday snacking has already disappeared- http://www.popsugar.com/food/Homemade-Chocolate-Peanut-Butter-Cup-Recipe-6577927 This time of the year there’s so much going on that putting together dinner can be a chore. I know…
Preserving Food Saves Money and it’s not all about canning
One thing I love about summer is going to the store and picking up bargains that I can preserve for later use when prices go up (as we all know they will). While I do lots of canning there are other ways I put these items to good use- One way is my drying it and yes, I’ll give a little shameless promotion here. I co-authored a book called The Essential Dehydrator and while some of its focus is on how to dry foods, it contains lots of gourmet recipes using dried foods. Just this week I dried six pounds of onions and the thing I like best is I…
Dirt Cheap Gardening
Gardening is one of my hobbies. I think of it as not only being therapeutic but something that adds to the value of your property. Having a nice looking garden doesn’t have to break the bank either. Here are some ways I’ve found to stretch my gardening budget- Free Advice One way to waste money and kill plants is not knowing what you’re doing or what plants are right for your area. If I ever have a gardening question or weed I can’t identify I always stop by my local extension service for advice. It’s free, they also have brochures and sometimes classes you can take too. Divide and Conquer…
Making the Most of Summer Produce
One of the things I love most about summer is that there are so many fruits and vegetables to choose from. And best of all, you get to eat some that aren’t available all year round. While produce isn’t as cheap as it once was, now’s still a great time to make the most of what summer has to offer. But It’s Hot Outside It’s often unbearable to think about hot foods when it’s 90 degrees outside, but summer is the best time to start planning ahead. One chore I have on my do to list every summer is to make soup and freeze it ready for fall and winter…
A Budget Smart Cook’s Secret Ingredient
One of the things I love most about summer is that fresh herbs can be found just about everywhere, in the produce department of any supermarket, at farmer’s markets, and yes, your own backyard. And there are two great things about herbs. One they’re packed with flavor, so a little goes a long way. And two, they can make even the blandest of foods taste like gourmet fare. Herbs Go with Just About Everything You can add herbs to just about any dish, everything from sandwiches to pasta If you’re got a recipe you love but you’re growing tired of it, try adding some fresh herbs. One of my favorite…
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