News You Can Use
Welcome to a brand new feature on Budget Smart Girl for 2023. Every Friday I’ll share with you links to articles and videos that I think are worth checking out. The first one is from Marketwatch and if this is the year you want to start a rainy day fund or have extra money to put into a savings account, check out this article- https://www.marketwatch.com/picks/the-era-of-the-3-4-savings-account-has-finally-returned-so-here-are-7-actually-smart-ways-to-make-2023-the-year-you-save-far-more-01672775439? This next one comes from Yahoo Finance and yes, all these ideas about making your first million dollars are realistic and yes, doable- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/12-realistic-ways-first-1-190041168.html And finally, I love checking out videos on YouTube and one I found this week was from Frugal Fit Mom where…
Money Mindset Makeover Challenge-Day 26- 5 Sites Worth Checking Out
Yesterday, I told you about five books I think are worth checking out and today it’s web sites- The Dollar Stretcher I’ve been receiving e-mails from this site for…well, I can’t remember. It’s full of money saving tips- https://thedollarstretcher.com Wisebread Here’s another site I often check out https://www.wisebread.com/ Budget Girl This next one I discovered through YouTube (which by the way has lots of great videos from people who show you how to save money). https://budgetgirl.com/ Frugal Fit Mom And this is another one I stumbled upon through YouTube. https://frugalfitmom.net/ Rich Dad, Poor Dad And Rich Dad, Poor Dad was on my list of books and it also is on…