• budget talk

    February Challenge-Are You Ready?

    It’s almost February and you know what that means at Budget Smart Girl? It’s challenge time. This year I tried to come up with something different. For our 2023 February challenge, it’s don’t buy it unless it’s on sale. Remember that we never buy anything that’s not a necessity. We evaluate a want versus a need. Those elements are still in play but if there is something you need to buy during the month of February then you’re challenge is to try and find it on sale, whether it be at the local store on an online market place. If we can, we’re going to buy everything at a discounted…

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  • budget talk,  Uncategorized

    Are You Ready for a Challenge?

    Do you like a challenge? How about a 31 day challenge? I’m currently creating a money makeover course that will be uploaded to BSG. While I’ve been working on it, I thought why not do a 31 day challenge. So during the month of March, I’ll be posting a different money related challenge right here at BSG. In the meantime, is there anything you’d like to see during the challenge? Struggling with some aspect of your budget? Having trouble finding money to put toward the rainy day fund? Let me know by leaving a comment or you can contact me at budgetsmartqueries@gmail.com.

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  • FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  Online Stores,  Side Gigs,  Teaching and Coachig

    What Have You Learned So Far?

    It’s day three of Learn Something New Every Day Challenge? Learned anything useful? Something that could save you money, make you money, or something that’s just plain fun? Here’s what I have so far. On Sunday, I learned to make tempeh bacon. Turned out pretty good although I did have to double the marinade and I think next time around I’ll add something with a little more kick to the ingredients. This was in my save money category because if you know anything about vegan food, especially the ‘fake’ meat type products, they’re expensive. While I was looking for a recipe, I think I fell down the learning something new…

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  • Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  Side Gigs,  working from home

    Learn Something New Every Day Begins on Sunday

    It begins on Sunday. Are you ready? November 1st is day one of the BSG Learn Something New Every Day Challenge. What’s on your list? It could be something that’s just plain fun. It might be something that will save you money. Perhaps it’s something that could even make you money. Is there anything you’ve been trying (or dying), to learn but haven’t been motivated enough? The Instant Pot or bread maker you bought that’s just been sitting on the shelf unused because you can’t figure out how to use it or what to make in it? The irritating door that squeaks but you’ve no idea how to fix it?…

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