budget talk,  What's On Sale

Low Cost Gifts

Hot chocolate mix is just one of the many recipes you can learn to make in a new class at Creativebug.

Thanksgiving is just three weeks away and that means it’s time to start Christmas shopping.

What happens if your budget is low or even bare.

Turn to what works for every budget minded person and that’s make your own holiday gifts.

Are you looking for ideas about what to make?

One great resource is Creativebug (and yes, full disclosure I’m one of their affiliates and will be compensated but at no extra cost to you, if you decide to join).

They have lots of classes but one in particular you might want to check out is From My Kitchen to Yours-A Month of Giftable Goods and Recipes. It’s almost 3 hours of instruction and features goodies such as-

Hot Chocolate Mix

Brownie in a Jar

Spiced Cashews and Almonds

Marinated Feta Cheese

And many, many more

Here’s my affiliate link if you want to find out more and start your 60 day free trial-


Enjoy and I’d love to hear about what you make for the holidays.

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