News You Can Use
Welcome to a brand new feature on Budget Smart Girl for 2023. Every Friday I’ll share with you links to articles and videos that I think are worth checking out. The first one is from Marketwatch and if this is the year you want to start a rainy day fund or have extra money to put into a savings account, check out this article- https://www.marketwatch.com/picks/the-era-of-the-3-4-savings-account-has-finally-returned-so-here-are-7-actually-smart-ways-to-make-2023-the-year-you-save-far-more-01672775439? This next one comes from Yahoo Finance and yes, all these ideas about making your first million dollars are realistic and yes, doable- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/12-realistic-ways-first-1-190041168.html And finally, I love checking out videos on YouTube and one I found this week was from Frugal Fit Mom where…
Best Buys for January
A happy new year to you all. Back due to popular demand we have the monthly feature Best Buys. If you’re looking for good deals on any of the following products, this month is probably your best bet for savings. Produce-broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, lemons and oranges. Christmas Items-if you’re not already tired of all things Christmas, then this is a great opportunity to buy some items ready for Christmas 2023. Chocolate-Yes, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and chocolate is perfect to store for future baking needs. Winter Clothing-Winter only began a few weeks ago but stores need to make room for spring clothing which means…
Monday Motivation-New Year, New You
It’s a new year but will it be a new you too? This year are you going to finally get out of debt, stick to that budget, write a book, look for ways to make more money, invest your money wisely or start a business? It’s all within your reach. I know you can make this happen and Budget Smart Girl is here to help cheer you on every step of the way. I’d love to hear about your goals for this year. Leave a comment or contact me at budgetsmartqueries@gmail.com. This year let’s all climb that mountain we once thought impossible. Happy New Year.