Budget Smart Girl Gets a Logo…and more news
Yes, finally, Budget Smart girl has a logo. I kept meaning to have one made and put it off so many times.
Other news, I’ve been selected to take part in a great Black Friday event and one of my products will be part of it. I’ll be giving you more details as the day gets closer.
I’ll also be holding a Black Friday sale on all my products and will give you a coupon code to use.
I’m currently switching over to a new method of sending out the newsletter. I’m hoping it will be easier to use than the current one.
If you’re an entrepreneur, know one and have something you’d like to have featured in a holiday gift guide, reach out to me at budgetsmartqueries@gmail.com . I’d like to bring back our holiday guide again. I know it was a favorite for many of you.
I’m going to launch a podcast sometime next year and probably a YouTube channel too. I know lots of people like to gain information by listening and watching rather than read blogs these days so I’m thinking this might be a great way to reach more people.
And, finally, drum roll please…here’s the logo-

Until next time, happy savings and budgeting.
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