
Money Challenge-Day Two-Pantry

Today’s challenge focuses on some of your core supplies. You can save money (and time), if you have supplies on hand in your pantry, fridge, freezer etc.

You can put together low cost meals using things on the shelf. Plus, you don’t have to run to the store where you’re often tempted to buy more than you need. It also prevents you from going to restaurants when you mutter the words ‘I have nothing to eat for dinner tonight’.

Today you’re going to check on your basic pantry supplies. Is it stocked or is it sparse?

Make a list of what you have or what you need. When your budget allows, stock up each time you go to the store. Maybe it’s a can of beans, a can of tomatoes, a box of pasta. Think about what you and your family eat a lot and work around your own needs.

‘See’ you again tomorrow….

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