What's On Sale

Best Buys for May

Rhubarb is one of the best buys for May.

It’s May, warmer temps and flowers and trees are in bloom and here’s a list of items that are best buys for the month-

Home furnishings and most home goods….think pillows and vases.

Pre Memorial Day, hotdogs and buns, paper plates and cups.

Fridges, chest freezers.


Office furniture

Any remaining winter clothes and winter related items

In the supermarket look for lettuce, radishes, and rhubarb, Swiss chard and zucchini. You might also find strawberries and other berries being offered on buy one, get one free deals as a way to introduce the first crops of the season.

(And on Thursday, (and somewhat related to this), the topic of my post will be ways to stay head of inflation.

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