Online Stores,  Side Gigs,  working from home

The Key To Streamlining Your Business

Do you feel like you’re starting from scratch every time you work on a product?

I used to feel that way each time I’d create a book to self publish or record a class. Half my time was wasted starting over with projects and I grew frustrated. It was precious time I could have spent on lots of other tasks.

One day, after losing a file and starting over yet again, I decided it was time to create templates. Once created, things become more plug and play. For example, a template for all my self published books. One for fiction and one for non-fiction. Everything from title page, copyright info, and about the author bio.

I also did the same for the classes I created on platforms like Skillshare. They were ready for inserting the information and then recording.

It’s shaved lots of time off my to do list.

You can buy some already made templates, but not all will suit everyone’s needs. A lot depends on what you do, what you sell, what you offer etc.

In the next few months, I’ll be creating general templates for the BSG store in hopes you’ll be able to use some if not all of them and gain back some of your own precious time. I already have a class/webinar template master pack on sale for $7.95 which is perfect if you’re a coach or wanting to offer classes for your business.

Let me know if there’s anything in particular you need and I’ll see what I can come up with. There’s nothing like putting a business on auto pilot so feel free to contact me at

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