budget talk

Frugal is Trendy

Frugal is the new in thing.

We, budget smart girls have known that for a long time.

Budget Smart Girl’s been around since 2005 and before that it was The Budget Smart Girl’s Guide to the Universe and Eating Well on a Budget.

We’ve been through recessions and tough times before, we’ve weathered the storm and now once again frugal is trendy, it’s the in thing.

Traffic to this site has picked up tremendously in the last month or so, which tells me that people are looking for ways to save money.

As I work on the new Budget Smart course I thought it would be fun to share with you some links to some of the places I got interviewed on the topic of frugality and saving money way back when.

The first one is from Bankrate-


The second one Wife.org

And finally, I found this oldie but goody when this site was over at Blogspot-


Lots of money saving content ahead and please let me know how Budget Smart Girl can help you in 2024 and beyond.

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