• budget talk,  What's On Sale

    Money Saving Tip-Thanksgiving

    This week, it’s a money saving tip of a different sort. I saw this on MarketWatch and thought I’d share the link with you. Companies like Walmart and Aldi and more are rolling back prices or running promotions on Thanksgiving items. I’m sure other companies will follow this trend too. If your budget allows, why not stock up on a few items…great for pantry building, before the prices go up again. Canned foods are great to have on hand, think cans of pumpkin, mushroom soup, and evaporated milk. If you want to check out the whole article, here’s the link https://www.marketwatch.com/story/thanksgiving-deals-bag-free-turkeys-or-cheap-trimmings-from-aldi-bjs-shoprite-and-more-11667400099

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  • budget talk

    September is National Coupon Month

    September is National Coupon Month so what better time to use these little slips of paper to help stretch your food dollar. Here are some ideas and hints on finding coupons, and how to use them for maximum benefit. Newspapers and Magazines I get about 50% of my coupons from the Sunday newspaper. If you’re looking for coupons for food items, it can’t be beat. Magazines, especially women’s magazines, are another good source. And if you want to buy items like natural and organic foods, try picking up a copy of Delicious Living. My local co-op has free copies at the information desk and every issue has at least two…

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