• affiliate marketing,  Blogging

    Budget Smart Girl Vision Board Planner

    Yesterday I told you about vision boards and how to put one together. Lots of you contacted me for more ideas so I decided to put together a planner to help guide you. It’s now available in the Budget Smart Girl store and for the next couple of days it’s going to be on a special Christmas sale just for you. 50 cents. Yep, just 50 cents! It’s a planner for just about anyone but especially if you’re a blogger or have some sort of affiliate marketing program or thinking about being one or adding one next year. Here’s the link to the store- https://www.budgetsmartgirl.com/product/budget-smart-gir…on-board-planner/ 

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  • Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early

    Vision Boards-What Will December 2021 Reveal?

    Ever put together a vision board? I had what I call a makeshift one comprising of just a flimsy piece of cardboard for my writing and books. However, a few years ago, I got more serious about the whole vision board thing and purchased a notice board that I could actually hang on my office wall. Both the makeshift and the notice board have worked wonders for me. They not only help you do a little dreaming. (And remember what they say about if you can dream it then your half way there). The main reason I keep a vision board is to get and stay organized. I might add…

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