• budget talk

    Money Saving Tip-Spice It Up

    Sometimes cheaper cuts of meat, even budget stretchers like beans can be bland. One thing that can make everything taste like gourmet fare is herbs and spices. Things like garlic and ginger can make a bland soup or stew taste like a professional chef made it. Grow your own or buy one herb or spice each time you go grocery shopping.

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  • budget talk

    Money Saving Tip-Bulk Bins

    I don’t know about you, but I love a grocery store that has a great selection of bulk bins. For a little bit of work, (and yes, sometimes it’s fun too), to measure and weigh your own food items, like beans, flour, oats, granola etc. For this little bit of extra work you can save a bundle. It’s also good for the environment too especially if you reuse the bag or container. Talk about a win win situation. This week, check out the bulk bins.

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  • budget talk

    June Round-Up-Gardening and a Money Saving Podcast

    The end of June, and just like that, half the year gone. How is your year going so far? Met your goals, still have ones that you need to focus on? I began the month planting a garden, so far things are looking good. I’ve also done a lot of canning. I made jams, and for the first time, tried pressure canning. Speaking of which, I purchased a digital pressure canner because I thought it was the best place to start the whole pressure canning experience. I was thinking about doing a review of products here at Budget Smart Girl, but then thought about my cooking site…I’m ashamed to say…

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  • budget talk

    Why Should Budget Smart Cooks Love Their Veggies?

    Well, actually everyone should love eating vegetables, but for those of us who watch the pennies, veggies offer great value. They pack lots of nutrition and can even help you stretch your food dollar. Here are some other reasons to love veggies. You Can Always Find Them at the Store Okay, some vegetables aren’t available year round, but stop by any produce department and you’ll always find items to make a low cost meal. Things like broccoli, mushrooms, peapods, peppers…all the basics for a stir-fry. And if you’re using beef, chicken or shrimp in that stir- fry, use less of these items and simply double up on the vegetables. I’m…

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