Eating Well on a Budget-5 Simple Tips
Eating well when food prices are high is a challenge but it can be done.
A great way to get the most nutritional bang for your buck is to eat fruits, vegetables, herb and spices.
Here are five tips and a bonus one for finding the best selection at the best prices.
Farmer’s Markets
Many of the farmer’s markets close in the winter but some areas do have indoor ones so it pays to check in your local area. Not only can you find produce but things like eggs, milk, butter etc.
Buy in Bulk
Are you worried about having to throw away food that you can’t use even though you saved money by buying say a ten-pound bag of potatoes? You can either find a way to preserve it for later…think mashed potatoes you can put in the freezer. You can also use the excess to make things like soups which make great meals combined with salad or bread. Most soups also freeze well too. A third option is to buy in bulk and get friends and family to split the cost with you.
Buy in Season
When produce is in season it’s usually more plentiful and therefore costs less. Citrus fruits and cabbage in winter, strawberries in spring, peaches in summer and squash in fall. Plan meals around what’s in season or if your budget allows, buy extra and freeze, can, or dehydrate the extra.
Make a Meal from Produce
You’ve heard of Meatless Mondays…check out all the recipes on Budget Smart Girl. Try using produce to make a meatless meal or at least using vegetables to stretch your meat budget.
Think Herbs…and spices
Herbs, and yes, spices too are packed with vitamins and minerals so don’t overlook them for adding to salads and soups, even simple homemade dressings. Sometimes it’s the cheapest way to give your body what it needs.

And I promised a bonus tip and that’s to grow your own produce. Right now. all the seed catalogs are being sent out so check online and order yourself some of these wonderful resources…more gardening and homegrown food features coming shortly!
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