budget talk

High Prices Getting You Down?

Shopping can give you a bad case of sticker shock and if high prices are getting you down, here are five things you can do to help-

Are high prices getting you down?

Don’t Be Loyal

One of the key traits of being budget smart is you’re never loyal to a brand, store or company. If another supermarket has a better deal, head there. Your favorite dishwasher liquid gone up in price? Find another one…you might even love it more.

Do Your Homework

Before you buy anything, do some research which is easier than ever now we have the Internet. Don’t just hand over your money believing the store is telling you it’s on sale or a great deal. Make sure you’re the one who decides if it’s a good buy.

Grow Your Own

We all have to eat and food is one thing that is a must buy but have you tried growing your own food? Nothing big, nothing grand, but maybe some herbs on the windowsill or a container of tomato plants. Each item you don’t have to buy at the store cuts down on your grocery bill.

Rent it or Borrow It

How often are you going to use that drill or the high pressure washer? If it’s only a few times, then either ask friends or family if they have one you can borrow or check your local rental store.

Learn to a New Skill

If you can’t cook or don’t know how to preserve food then it might be time to learn. There are lots of online resources where you can learn new skills for free.

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