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Friday News You Can Use

It’s Friday and lots of you told me how much you enjoyed me digging through the Budget Smart Girl archives and finding past posts to include in News You Can Use. I had people who have been subscribers from the very beginning tell me they enjoyed seeing these articles again. Others, brand new to the site, appreciated me bringing these tips and hints to their attention.

So, with that in mind, I’ve pulled out three more.

It’s time to getting gardening and this first link will take you to a post from 2008.

Isn’t it funny how old topics become new again and this one also from 2008, tells you easy ways to cut your budget.

And finally, from 2013 when I used to get a box of veggies from a local CSA, this oldie but goodie from the Meatless Monday posts. Asparagus is a great buy right now so you might like to try this recipe-

Have a fun weekend and a money saving week.

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