Business Talk,  FIRE Financial Independence, Retire Early,  working from home

Side Hustles-They’re Here to Stay

Side hustles, side gigs, earning extra income…

Whatever you call trying to earn extra money, it’s a trend that continues to grow.

I don’t think we’re going to see a slow down of people trying to supplement their income by doing something like coaching, selling handmade items on places like Etsy, or becoming a virtual assistant.

I found this interesting article on Ecommercebytes which by the way if you run or are thinking about selling on sites like eBay you definitely want to check it out or subscribe. Here’s the link and then I’ve included a link to another article on Zapier it referenced-

Do you already have a side hustle? Or are you still in the exploration stage and figuring out what you want to do?

One of the students, (Erin Mahoney), who I privatively coach published her first book in 2019 on the topic of side gigs. Erin has kindly agreed to do an interview here at BSG and that will be coming up soon. If you have any questions about side gigs or increasing your income that you’d like me to ask her, feel free to contact me at .

In the meantime, here’s the book’s cover so go check it out on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Kobo etc.

Do you have a question about side gigs for Erin?

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