Side Gigs

Fourth Tuesday-Other Ways to Make Money

January has flown by, well at least I think so. Here we are at the final Tuesday of the month and the last of the previews of what’s going to be happening each week here at BSG. I thought we’d set aside the last Tuesday for other ways you can make money. Not things that net you huge amounts, but maybe rebates and discounts that you get for buying stuff you already do anyway, and use it to add to your pot of gold.

There are lots of options out there but one thing that does stop me from signing up for lots of them is, that they seem like market research in disguise. Bottom line is do you really want a company knowing that much about you just for the sake of saving a dollar?

Do the cons outweigh the pros or vice versa?

Let me know what you think about those sorts of programs.

And if you’re wondering what will be featured when we have a fifth Tuesday in the month…I think 2020 has three of those. I’ll either use it as a break week to catch up with other stuff or maybe we’ll use it as our question time.

Talk again soon and remember to live the life you love.

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