Business Talk

Free Mini-Retreat

Many of you know that I’m an author and also teach and tutor aspiring writers. I’ve been teaching for various chapters of the Romance Writers of America for a decade. Together we’re always trying to come up with something new and we decided in 2020, I’d teach an online summer writing retreat. We also came up with the idea to offer a free mini-retreat next month to give prospective students a glimpse into what the main event will be like…it’s going to be fun!

Some of you might be aspiring authors so I thought I’d share this information with the BSG community. In the holiday spirit, I’m going to give away a prize each lesson (six in all), everyone will get a writing gift at the end of the retreat, and one lucky person is going to be awarded a free entry to next year’s retreat. We have 70 people registered already and I hope you’ll be the next one to sign up.

Here are all the details and a link to sign up…just scroll down to December and hit the register here button. Hope to ‘see’ you in class on Dec 2nd.

Lesson One-Setting Goals

Lesson Two-Outlining a Plot

Lesson Three-Exercises to Improve Your Dialogue Writing Skills.

Lesson Four-Packing Your Story with Emotion

Lesson Five-Five Tips for Writing an Attention Grabbing synopsis

Lesson Six-Self-Editing Tips

This free class will run from Dec 2nd to Dec 13th.

Talk again soon and remember to live the life you love.

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