Goals-Keys to Success
I’m a firm believer that by setting goals you’re half way along the road to success.
I’ve set goals for saving money, writing books, losing weight and exercising, and even for projects that need tackling around the house.
Think about the business you want to start or the way you want to start making money. Brainstorm for five minutes about all the tasks you’ll need to do to get where you want to go. Then start breaking them down into baby steps.
For example, overall goal, launching a new graphic design business.
Baby steps might include-getting a web site set up. Getting business cards made. Joining your local chamber of commerce. Having a launch party etc.
One thing you have to do is write down your goals and place them somewhere you can see them. Revisit them every week to check where you’re at and how you’re doing. Even make yourself a vision board (more about these in an upcoming post).
One other thing you need to do is give yourself a deadline. Remember you’re no longer working for someone else and no one’s telling you to do something or when a job has to be completed.
Get in the habit of giving yourself deadlines and let goal setting be one of them. Some of mine are to get an Etsy store set up so I can start selling my homemade jewelry-deadline May 1st. I’ve also given myself until June 1st to grow Budget Smart Girl with more followers and more traffic.
Get last thing you should do is keep reassessing your goals. What did you achieve, what didn’t you achieve, why, and what can you do to shake things up?

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