budget talk

Homemade Ginger Ale

I come from a family of migraine sufferers so a bottle of ginger ale has always been a staple in the pantry. (For those of you who haven’t tried it ginger ale helps with the nausea that often accompanies a migraine).

While a bottle of ginger ale won’t break the bank, I thought I’d try making my own and use cane sugar instead of regular white or brown sugar.

Yesterday was my first attempt and the results were so good I thought I’d share the process with you.

You’ll need-

A piece of ginger about two inches long. Peel it and chop it and place it in a food processor along with the juice of one lemon.


Add 2 cups of cane sugar…or whatever sugar you’re using.



Pulse for a few minutes and then add the mixture to a saucepan


Pour in about 2 cups of water and let the mixture come to a boil.


Lower the heat and let the mixture brew for about 30 minutes.


At this point the mixture should have reduced and look like honey. Turn off the heat and cover the pan and let it brew for another 30 minutes.



Strain the liquid and store in in a jar and place it in the fridge.

 When you’re ready to make your ginger ale, pour about 3-4 tablespoons of the syrup into a glass and top with soda water a(nd ice if you like). Give it a stir and voila, homemade ginger ale.

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