
Pampering for the Budgetwise

 Some days we all need pampering and every so often I wish I was rich enough to head to a spa at least once a week. For now it’s only a dream but I’ve been searching the Internet for sites where you can learn to make your own spa like products. I’ve also stumbled upon sites where you can pick up supplies at a reasonable price and turn your home or least your bathroom into a spa. Here’s what I found-

Two of My Favorite Places

First up I have to mention two of my favorite sites for finding great bargains. The first one you’ve heard me mention many times and that’s e.l.f. http://www.eyeslipsface.com/ Lots of great buys not only on makeup but things like body butter and bubble bath. And don’t forget all their great line of nail polish for at home manicures and pedicures.

My next pick is Vitacost http://www.vitacost.com/ Inventory seems endless and it’s always discounted. I’ve found organic soaps and items to make some of these at home spa products too.

With both of these companies I’ve been pleased with the price, quick service and high quality items.

More Supplies

One of the biggest challenges I found when you’re making your own bath and body products is locating places to buy supplies at a reasonable price. Here are two sites I found-



Homemade Soap

Have you seen the price of some of the homemade soaps they sell by the slice at some stores? Jaw dropping to say the least. While I’m not one to make something where I need to gather loads of ingredients, this site as a few ideas that seem simple-


More Goodies for Spa Night

It’s not just the soaps that are high priced but other items too and this site has lots of brands to choose from-


For those with Sensitive Skin

One of my biggest problems is I have super sensitive skin and often have to pay more for hypoallergenic products but this site has lots of gentle on the skin items that won’t break the bank-


Snowballs in Spring

Many years ago a trip to the mall wasn’t complete without me buying some of the bath bombs that fizzle in water, well that was until I found out how easy they are to make-


More ‘Recipes”

Remember in the April newsletter I told you about this fantastic site I found where you can learn to make things, they have their own beauty section too-


Even More Recipes

I was surprised at just how many sites are offering recipes and here are more I discovered-





Green Beauty Products

Here’s a site devoted to green living beauty-


Turn It Into Holiday Gifts

Even if you don’t want to make your own homemade spa gifts for yourself I think any of these ‘recipes’ would make wonderful gifts for holidays and birthdays too.

Start Your Own Business

Who isn’t looking for a way to make extra income these days and I’ve seen lots of products that people are making and selling on sites like Etsy…which I should add is another place to find spa products www.etsy.com

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